Welcome to the submission system for the access to the
Italian Structural Biology services

Access form for the IC-CNR HPC instrumentation
Please enter the project title.
Please enter the principal applicant first name.
Please enter the principal applicant last name.
Please enter the principal applicant nationality.
Please enter the principal applicant institution.
Please enter the principal applicant phone number.
Please enter the principal applicant email address.
Remember to also fill out the Visiting Scientist section below
Please enter the visiting scientist first name.
Please enter the visiting scientist last name.
Please enter the visiting scientist nationality.
Please enter the visiting scientist institution.
Please enter the visiting scientist phone number.
Please enter the visiting scientist email address.
Project Proposal
Please enter the project goals....
Please enter the project status.
Please enter the expected results.
* Acronym (To code the requests)
Please enter the acronym.
* Type of nodes
Select at least a type of node.
Select at least a type of node.
* Number of nodes
Select number of nodes
* Number of computing hours

(elapsed time of a single run*number of CORES/GPUS used in a single run*total number of runs, note that each node is equipped with 64 CORES and 4 GPUS)

Please enter the number of computing hours.
* Storage (TB)
Please enter the storage.

Please note that data will be stored for 6 months, afterwards data will be erased.

* Software Requirements
Please enter the software requirements.
* Indicate the channel you coming from
* Privacy Policy
* AntiSpam
19 + 93 =
Please enter the result of the sum.

Be careful to fill in the Visiting Scientist part as well. Otherwise, the request will not be submitted